Daily Admission
$9.00 per person, 2 years and under FREE
Groups of 20 or more $6.00 per person
$6.00 per person after 3:30pm
Season Passes
Individual Pass $90 per person
Family Pass up to 4 family members $250 ($55 per additional member)
Early Bird Season Pass Special $75 - Until March 31st
Pool Parties
Private Pool Party Rentals
Friday 6:00pm-7:30pm
Saturday 6:00pm-7:30pm
Sunday 6:00pm-7:30pm
$315 for up to 100 guests (a "guest" is anyone who enters the facility)
Call the Park Office to reserve your party 573-624-8244
Little League Day
The last Friday in June, all registered DPR sports participants over the past year will be eligible for a $1.00 admission into the Dexter Aquatic Center for the day. Does not include coaches, scorekeeper or out of town teams not registered through DPR.